Sunday, September 21, 2008

Learning to ride

I never thought I'd be into sport, let alone into horse riding. Me, sitting on a big 800 pounds untameable beast, getting my brains shaken and my butt pounded like a tough steak? I don't think so. But here I am, a year later, having learned that no, the horse does not do all the work and yes, riding is a life-changing experience (and I am not talking about having tenderized buttocks). I'll tell you more about that in a little while.

I intend this blog to serve two purposes. Mainly, I want to encourage beginners in their pursuit of perfection - perfection being, at this point in time, having understood that
"reins are not your good old steering wheel" and that a horse has (yes indeed) a mind of its own...

And secondly, as I myself have weekly lessons and read countless books, blogs and sometimes even backs of cereal boxes about horses and horsemanship, I would like to share some of my newly acquired wisdom with other aspiring horse riders. And I just might add in a few editorial comments about the pleasures and frustrations of living with the oh! so endearing but oh! so strong-headed Equus caballus species.

Welcome to this blog and do leave a comment whenever you feel like joining in. The more the merrier!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know anything about horse riding, but I think I'm going to follow your blog just so I can learn more.