Monday, November 24, 2008

Six (now very public) things about me

First of all, thanks again to those of you who took the time to let me know where you came from and why you were reading my blog. It's nice to know your story, it gives me a sense of purpose and I found it very motivating. Please keep on commenting and telling me what you like about this blog so I can write more of the stuff you enjoy. 

Ok now: Solitairemare has invited me to parttake in the "Six things about me" game and I've accepted the challenge. The rules are as follows:

Link to the person who tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Write six random things about yourself.
Tag six people at the end of your post.
Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Let the tagger know your entry is up. 

So here's my take on six things that make me who I am, with some of them that make me prouder than others... Allright then, here I go:

  1. I am totally infatuated with my car. It's now old and battered but it is so many things to me: 

    • A sportsgear backstore (with the trunk full of my son's football stuff plus foldable chairs - because I fear cold steel bleachers when fall comes - , horse grooming equipment, a backpack full of crops and gloves and even a slkeeping bag that never got out of the car after a trip to Mt Washington. Never any place for groceries...)

    • An extension to my handbag (backseat is cluttered with clothing, papers, shoes, so much so that my eldest decided he was old enough to ride in the front...)

    • A boombox. Not that I have an expensive car or anything, but living in an appartment is difficult for somebody as passionate about music as I am. So if you ride with me and don't like loud music, be sure to bring earplugs!

    • And last but not least: my freedom

  2. On sunday mornings, I like to make crepes for my sons. These french "crêpes" are actually very thin pancakes that you can flip, fold in two, in four, or make into a cigar shaped roll or hand roll. I usually make about 30 (takes quite a long time) but they are thin as a sheet of paper. And then we garnish them with a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g we can think about, it's like a game of who's going to be the most creative. Our favorite: plain with butter and a sprinkle of brown sugar, rolled into a cigar. Yummy!!!

  3. I speak a total four languages. I am a FRENCH canadian who learned ENGLISH in school (and by watching "Three's company" AFTER school). And since I traveled regularly to the caribbeans (it was the cheapest vacation option for me, can you believe it?) I decided I needed to learn SPANISH which I did in about a year by reading books, watching movies and going through one self-teaching exercicse book after another. Then when the challenge ofspanish wore out, I undertook ITALIAN, which was fairly easy to learn since I already had two other latin languages under control. So now, I'm just the perfect travel companion!

  4. I just turned 40 this summer and think it's FABULOUS. You know so much more about yourself, about what you want and what you absolutely will not tolerate anymore, I love that sense of empowerement and clarity. I really feel like it's a new beginning for me and that the best IS yet to come.

  5. I have had numerous discussions with my sons about eventually going to live in another country for a couple of years. I believe that would be tremendous education for them as it would infuse them with another totally different culture and broaden their horizons. This planet is now a small village, it cannot be all about a global economy, it has to be about being a more open human being.

  6. Since I do not own a horse, I sometimes feel like a spoiled brat when I get to the barn: I just go there, groom Meeka, ride her for an hour with someone telling me exactly what to do and when to do it, then I groom her again, feed her a carrot or two and go back to my little life like there was nothing more about it than that. I know that caring for a horse is so much responsibility, so much worry, so  much investment in terms of time and money that I sometimes feel guilty to just come in and ride and then leave. I don't get to learn anything that way about what caring for a horse on a daily basis feels like. That's why I enjoy reading everyone's blogs, it's my only source of knowledge beyond what I get to do in a weekly class. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences.
OK now, I know I'm supposed to tag someone here, but I really am in a hurry. Tags will have to come later, I want to choose carefully.


1 comment:

SolitaireMare said...

I knew you were a good candidate for the tag and I'm so glad to read your post! Mmmm, crepes! That was the first thing I learned how to make way back in Home Economics and I made them quite well, too. Now my husband has bested me with his amazing Belgian waffles.

Being able to speak many languages is such a gift. We are all American so English is the main language here. My husband also speaks fluent Spanish and I know some german and Spanish. My children are enrolled in a dual-language immersion program in their kindergarten and they are learning Spanish along with English. It's really cool seeing how readily they pick up the second language at this age!