Sunday, January 11, 2009

Riding the wave

I know, I've made myself scarce lately. I've been hit hard by the "real life" tidal wave and I've been busy surfing it for the past month or so. Nothing bad, all the contrary, but any stress, be it good or bad, is still stress, right? 

So now that it's official, I'm happy to say I've landed a great new job and started last monday. Everything going smoothly so far, but the learning curve is proving to be quite steep. So I'm hanging in there. But all that that recruiting hubbub plus the siberian sub-zero temperatures we've been having over here kept me in check. As a result, I've neglected both my lessons and my blog.

And since this week is going to be just as cold, I just might have to skip my lesson again: the barn is neither isolated nor heated, so aside from being very uncomfortable for me, it becomes almost dangerous for the horses. The good news is the whole riding school is moving to another barn about a kilometer from my home (Woot, Woot!). This new place is heated and also (or so I've been told) has hot showers and a restroom that doesn't conpicuously flush in the manure carrier... So I cannot wait for February!

On the downside, it's still is a mystery to me whether or not Meeka is going to follow, so I'm holding my breath, crossing my fingers and preparing for the worse case scenario. I would really hate having to say goodbye.

And before I offer you all my season's greetings, I wish to tell you that it is always a pleasure to read your numerous blogs, all so very enlightening, so please continue sharing your experiences, it's great learning for beginners like me. And I do wish you a wonderful year 2009 and the greatest success in all your horse related endeavours and adventures.


20 meter circle of life said...

Hooray you are back!! I have missed you!!!!!

Back in the saddle said...

You're so sweet, thanks!