Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm speechless. Still, I have to tell...

All is well. That's why I haven't been posting. All is too well. And I'm just not used to it!  Great health, great new job, great new barn, great new horse, great new horse-owning cowboy-looking fun-loving man, and soon to have a great new house of my own... What more can I ask for, really?

No, I mean... really???

I'm just speechless, still, I had to tell.

And with regards to things pertaining to horses, I have been making tremendous progress. My days of canter fear are long gone as I now turn sharp corners confidently, work on (and sometimes even succeed) flying changes and cannot wait to go riding with the new BF who's more of a "let's hit the trails and get all muddy for a weekend" kind of a rider. I guess I'll have to give the western saddle a try now... any advise?

During my lessons Cynthia recently had me trot over poles in suspension with my eyes closed and my arms flailing in the air, airplane style. Me???? Who would have thought I would ask for more? And she very inconspicuously is pushing my limits one lesson after the other. I loooove it.

I cannot wait for sunday... In fact, I cannot wait for any day now... 



wilsonc said...

Wow! Girl you are on a roll. Makes me smile just thinking about it!


Hey that's pretty cool all the new things that are happening to you these days. I'm glad for you. Hope to talk to you soon.

Ms. Owens said...

How exciting! You're inspirational!

Funder said...

If the western stirrups feel too far forward for you, find some way to tie the whole fender back a little bit. It took me months to figure that out, and apparently it's common knowledge in some circles! And remember to trust your horse on those hills!

Back in the saddle said...

Thanks fender for the practical advise! I'll let you know how it goes.