Sunday, March 8, 2009

J-U-M-P-S !!!

I knew she had a plan, but I had no idea it would unfold that quick. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen of the blogosphere, Cynthia won the fight and I... JUMPED!

I guess I could have called this post "bragging session #3" but I thought it did not express exactly how I feel. In fact I don't event know IF there is a way to express the joy and gratitude that inhabits me nowadays. What a wonderful feeling to have things effortlessly fall into place (well, come to think of it, there WAS some effort involved before it became effortless...) What a great sensation comes along with pushing my boundaries, leaving aside my preconceptions about myself and to just believe, for a moment, that I can be way better than I ever gave myself credit for. 

I still can't believe it... I jumped! 

I am no Eric Lamaze yet, it was just an X, but it was still a jump. And I was on the horse (and remained on the horse which is itself is an accomplishment). I was solid in the saddle, was not shaken nor surprised by the following flying change, I even cantered a little victory lap, extatic, just like I had just won a gold medal for showjumping! Me! Of all people (well, at least those people who were afraid of cantering just 3 months ago!)

And that happened after 15 minutes of intense work to put the horse on the bit, then extensions and collections, shoulder-in, serpentines and flying changes. A year ago, I had to walk for a while after every 5 minutes of trot as I was so out of breath. Today, I did all of this with only 2-3 resting periods of a minute or so in an hour. Geez! Does that mean I'm becoming athletic???

Come to think of it, I think today I jumped more than an X. I think that on that very first leap, I left behind the idea that I could not possibly be young enough or good enough to be sporty. I think that in the arena dirt is now laying my misconception that I could not possibly be passionate about any sport, that it was just not for me, that my challenges had to be something "intellectual" or I could simply not perform. 

But hey! Not only am I now passionate about that SPORT called horse riding (and I know none of my readers will challenge me by saying the horse "does all the work") but I am looking forward to the next round, the next challenge, the next jump over my mental barriers.

Cheers everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hooray! So are you going to keep up with the jumping now? You sound like you enjoyed it :)

And for someone who was afraid to canter three months seem to have built up a good, solid seat along with your stamina and brand new (improved) attitude!

Back in the saddle said...

Hi JJ. Definitely!!! I will keep at it, it was so much fun! Thanks for the kind words.

You and Cass also seem to have your work cut out for you in 2009, keep up the good work!

wilsonc said...

Congratulations! Reading your posts lately makes me smile. I am happy for you.

Back in the saddle said...

Thank you Wilsonc, that's very kind of you. (Loved that chaps photo on your blog too... Cannot wait to go ride with the new boyfriend now! I hadn't thought of that!!!)


I don't know anything about horse riding, but I'm always interested in following your progression in that inspiring activity. And you seem to do pretty well these days. Glad to read that. I guess a first jump on a horse is like the first jump on a mountain bike: a major milestone in your progression.

Laura said...

Good for you!! I'm new to your blog, but that was a great first post to read! lol

I'm working on my confidence too, so reading your post really made me smile. Onward and upward!!

Five O'Clock Somewhere said...

Congratulations! It is addicting. There is no feeling comparable.