Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How small can this planet be?

Hey everyone!

I don't know if this complies with the current netiquette, but I just have to ask... I am soooooo curious!

As many of you, blogging is now part of my life and so part of my daily e-routine. You know the drill: power on, personal email, business email, facebook, local newspaper, agenda, blog, power off & go to work, kinda thing. But I must admit that recently, the part of it I was looking forward to the most was consulting the traffic feed on my blog. It's just amazing! People from Italy, Greece, U.S.A., Sweden, Lebanon, Israel, and of course fellow canadians visit my blog regularly. I am very grateful for your interest and I must admit that I am dying to ask: who are you guys???

So on your next visit, please do leave a comment and tell me a little about you and why you love riding so much. Also please tell me about your blog so that I too can pay you a visit once in a while. Let's make this a community, let's get to know one another and discuss, we already know we have lots in common!

Ok. That was it. I'm stopping here 'cause I'm just going to have to write "I have a dream..." here, but this bit has already been done.  ;-)

Cheers, you horse lovers from all over the place!



Anonymous said...

it's probably me from Sweden you can see. I am actually Canadian, but living in Sweden:-)
I used to live in Denmark as kid - and ride, but when I moved to Canada it was too expensive to keep at it. So, last year (being in Sweden and having a riding school practically in my backyard) I took up riding again. I enjoy reading your blog because you're beginner too. We are learning really different things though! I am jumping regularly and doing a lot of cavaletti work, but I haven't even tried ANY lateral work (just corners;-) and turn on the forehand). I love riding because it teaches me about myself, like that I'm a leader(as you've talked about the necessity of too) it puts me in touch with my body (control) + exercise, I'm learning all the time! And, how wonderful are horses?
Don't have a blog. I know!

Back in the saddle said...

Hi Dea!

Thanks for taking the time to tell me about yourself! I must admit that I am happy to be in touch with another adult who is beginning. When I look around at the barn, I mostly see adults who've done it all their lives or very talented teenagers. I was starting to wonder if I was the only rookie adult horse rider in the whole wide world.

How did you choose to jump? Was it even an issue for you or you knew that's what you wanted to do right from the get go? I have done a little cavaletti work too, it's fun! But that was in the pre-blog era, when I didn't really know what I wanted to do: hunter, dressage or just go for a little horse ride once a week and try to keep the horse between me and the ground. But eventually, I decided that I would concentrate on dressage. I will try and jump again though (I only jumped ONCE and hurt myself very badly so now...).

You are right, horses are the greatest teachers. Riding is also one of the best exercises ever and oh! so wonderful prep time for all of the other aspects of your life.

Thanks for reading my blog, and I am looking forward to exchanging with you whenever you are compelled to comment on one of the posts!

Cheers from Canada


SolitaireMare said...

Hi! I'm a reader of your blog from the USA in New York! If you want to know more about me, stop by my blog! And I've tagged you for the "Six things about me" Meme! Come on by and find out more...

Ms. Owens said...

I live in Southern California and I think I first learned about your blog from 20 Meter Circle of Life or Dressage Mom. It caught my attention because you started riding during a low part of your life. A little over a year ago I bought a lovely Peruvian who has become a sanity-saver after being blindsided in my marriage of 22 years. Husband went. Horse stayed. I’m now working with a dressage trainer and I love the subtle, but amazing communication that I’m learning to have with my horse. The outcomes are incredible. The Posting Trot quite often sums up the same learning curve I feel I’m on. Thanks for blogging. I enjoy your posts.

Back in the saddle said...

Thanks Mrs. Owens for your kind words. I am so very happy that you enjoy my humble work.

I am also sorry that you had to go through such hardship, I do know what it's like. My thing was more of a bad health issue, nothing fatal obviously, but it was certainly worsened by a loneliness that might have borne similarities to what you went through.

I must admit that with my health & self esteem shattered, learning to ride helped me gain it back, ride after ride, and now I would never give up my new passion for anything or anyone - neither job nor man.

Let's keep in touch and please do leave a comment once in a while! Comments are like the blogger's vitamin!

Happy thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Hi Marie,

I've been busy, but still wanted to answer.
Here, atleast at the riding school I go to, there are A LOT of adult riders. And most of them (by their riding) have started as adults. It is just that much harder to get position right when you get older... Certainly there are also a lot of young girls(mostly) flying around on ponies.
I'm in a class with about 10 other people and because we're still pretty much beginners, we do all kinds of different stuff. It's really expensive to take private lessons here, so that is not an option for me. However, I envy you, because the instructor can keep their attention on you at all times and correct you constantly - maybe also a little tiring?
So, the jumping was just something we did within the first term and keep doing about once every six weeks.
I feel I have a sort of a knack for it - yes, I can hear myself, but the kid comes out in me when talking horses and riding. Actually, I'm very excited - I'm going to be in a beginners jumping competition next weekend! My first! REALLY low jumps and the laziest horses to be found, but still so much fun! Apparently everyone who participates will get a ribbon!LOL! So I'll be starting my trophy wall next week;-)
Sorry to hear that you hurt yourself the only time you jumped. That sucks! I fell off all the time when I was a kid, but haven't yet as an adult - I know it will shake me a lot more when I do.
Love your blog!
